Waiting on God’s timing is so hard! Sometimes you’re waiting to fulfill a call that you know God has for you, other times you’re waiting for an answer that you’ve been praying about. But God’s timing is usually not our timing. He uses this waiting time to train, teach, and prepare us for the very thing we are waiting for.

  • David of the Old Testament was no stranger to this waiting: he was anointed to be the future king of Israel but had to wait 15 years to get there
  • In the meantime, he worked as a shepherd in his father’s shepherd’s field and God prepared him for his first step toward the kingdom: defeating Goliath
    • Go to 1 Samuel 17 to read the whole story.
  • Sometimes we’re waiting because we just aren’t ready yet. Other times we’re waiting even though we are fully ready because it’s just not the right time.
  • The most important thing to remember is: God is faithful and He knows what He is doing.

We need to be diligent during these periods in the shepherd’s field. We need to work on growing our relationship with God and looking for those opportunities to get stronger faith. That is the purpose of waiting, and if we do it well, God will make us so much more equipped through it.
