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Amy Brown, Carrie Holt, and Sara Clime are all special needs moms, and they are no strangers to mom guilt! With diagnoses ranging from behavioral disorders to terminal illness of their children, they’ve had to learn to find the balance of the everyday family needs, extra therapies, and appointments, to realizing that they just can’t do it all.
One major point that we all need to learn to believe is that God does not tack guilt on us. Jesus states that he didn’t come to condemn us, but Satan tries to keep us from that truth and steal God’s redemptive power in our lives. As moms, we tend to tell ourselves our failure stories over and over again. However, when we learn to focus on the truth and our true value and identity as the moms that God chose specifically for our families, we will finally be able to allow God to walk us through our mom guilt and into the peace that God has overcome it all.

John 16:33 – “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”


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Amy J Brown website:
Amy’s Facebook
Amy’s Instagram

Carrie M. Holt website:
Carries’ Facebook
Carrie’s Instagram

Sara Clime’s website:
Sara’s Facebook
Sara’s Instagram
