Bridge of the Faithful
Bridge of the Faithful
When "No" Means "Yes" with Michelle Watson

Related Episodes: The Next Right Thing, Facing the Red Sea, Is God Still Faithful in the Valley, Is God Still Faithful in Politics? with Glen Duerr, Thrown Off Script: Michael Domeny, Waiting in the Shepherd’s Field, Infertility is Never the End of the Story, Abundant Life in Loss with Ashlee Filby, In Due Time with Caroine Harries, Life After Infertility with Sarah Sisson-Rollandini, Mini Episode: Waves of Hope, Mini Episode: Is it OK to Question God?

If there’s something we’ve gotten to practice a lot lately, it’s disappointment. In the past few months, I bet all of us have prayed for something that did not turn out the way we expected. It’s easy to focus on what we didn’t get: our definition of healing, a certain job situation, a certain virus being done by now. When the answers don’t come as we want or expect, does that mean God isn’t faithful? Does it mean that God has forgotten about us and our needs? Does it mean that God doesn’t care? Absolutely not! Michelle Watson from the Pantry Podcast is learning that when God’s answer to our prayer is “no,” it actually means that it’s a “yes” to something better! Listen as she discusses situations where God didn’t answer prayers the way that she wanted Him to (her conversation about naps changed my whole attitude at home), how she uses emotions as a smoke detector and not a GPS, and how God has directed her path in better and more exciting ways than she could have ever dreamt up herself.

Proverbs 3:25-26 Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the Lord will be at your side and will keep your foot from being snared.

Michelle’s Podcast: The Pantry Podcast
Michelle’s business: Thirtyone25 and
